Jamia Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology (ADICP) 2022 Entrance Test Paper

Jamia Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology (ADICP) 2022 Entrance Test Paper

Jamia Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology (ADICP) 2022 Entrance Test Paper

Students can get additional knowledge and abilities in the field of counselling psychology through a postgraduate programme called the Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology. Those who have earned a Bachelor’s degree in psychology or a closely related subject and want to specialize in counselling psychology should apply for the programme.

An Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology program’s curriculum often includes courses in developmental psychology, social psychology, abnormal psychology, and research methodologies, among other areas of psychology. The curriculum also emphasizes the theory and application of counselling psychology, including counselling procedures, personality theories, and ethical issues.

Moreover, clinical skills including evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment planning are taught to programme participants, along with methods for dealing with individuals, couples, families, and groups. Also, they study topics like multiculturalism, diversity, and the contributions of culture, gender, sexual orientation, and spirituality to therapy.

An Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology program’s practical coursework involves supervised clinical practice in counselling environments such mental health clinics, hospitals, schools, and community organizations. This gives students the chance to practice working with customers and putting their knowledge and abilities to use in practical situations.

Graduates of programmes leading to an advanced diploma in counselling psychology can choose from a number of job pathways. In private practices, mental health clinics, hospitals, or other healthcare facilities, they may work as licensed counsellors. They may also decide to engage in counselling psychology research, education, or administration.

In general, an advanced diploma in counselling psychology equips students with advanced knowledge and abilities in the profession, equipping them for a fulfilling job helping others overcome obstacles and enhance their mental health and well-being.

Entrance Exam Details

Maximum Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Time: 90 minutes

Negative Marking: Yes, 0.25 marks deduction for every wrong answer.

Total Seats: 20

Course Fee: ₹32,230 per year.

Cut-Off (2022):

Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology (Self-financed).

Jamia ADICP Entrance/Admission Test Paper, 2022:



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