AWS Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01) -3 Practice Test
Course Language: English
Course Description:
AWS Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01) Exam Guide
The AWS Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01) exam is intended for individuals who can effectively demonstrate overall knowledge of AI/ML, generative AI technologies, and associated AWS services and tools, independent of a specific job role. The exam also validates a candidate’s ability to complete the following tasks: • Understand AI, ML, and generative AI concepts, methods, and strategies in general and on AWS. • Understand the appropriate use of AI/ML and generative AI technologies to ask relevant questions within the candidate’s organization. • Determine the correct types of AI/ML technologies to apply to specific use cases. • Use AI, ML, and generative AI technologies responsibly.
Target candidate description
The target candidate should have up to 6 months of exposure to AI/ML technologies on AWS. The target candidate uses but does not necessarily build AI/ML solutions on AWS.
Recommended AWS knowledge
The target candidate should have the following AWS knowledge: • Familiarity with the core AWS services (for example, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, and Amazon SageMaker) and AWS core services use cases • Familiarity with the AWS shared responsibility model for security and compliance in the AWS Cloud • Familiarity with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for securing and controlling access to AWS resources • Familiarity with the AWS global infrastructure, including the concepts of AWS Regions, Availability Zones, and edge locations • Familiarity with AWS service pricing models
Exam content
Question types
The exam contains one or more of the following question types: •
Multiple choice:
Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors).
• Multiple response:
Has two or more correct responses out of five or more response options. You must select all the correct responses to receive credit for the question. • Ordering:
Has a list of 3–5 responses to complete a specified task. You must select the correct responses and place the responses in the correct order to receive credit for the question. • Matching:
Has a list of responses to match with a list of 3–7 prompts. You must match all the pairs correctly to receive credit for the question.
• Case study: Has one scenario with two or more questions about the scenario. The scenario is the same for each question in the case study. Each question in the case study will be evaluated separately. You will receive credit for each question that you answer correctly in the case study.
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